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601 East Foothill Boulevard Claremont, CA 91711

Root Canal Claremont CA

Gentle Wave®: An Alternative to Root Canal Therapy

The Claremont Dental Institute provides state-of-the-art dental care and the best possible patient experience. Dr. Steve Fountain and our associates offer the Gentle Wave procedure as an alternative to the traditional root canal treatment method.

A unique “ultra cleaning” technology, Gentle Wave harnesses the energy of water and soundwaves to penetrate deep into the chambers of the tooth root and remove decay and bacteria. The result is a more thorough procedure that is less invasive and more stable in the long term.

Other key benefits of the Gentle Wave endodontics treatment include:

  • Minimally invasive: less natural tooth structure is disturbed or removed as part of the process, improving the stability of the tooth post-treatment.
  • Typically completed in one visit: get back to smiling comfortably without needing a return visit to complete a root canal.

gentle wave root canal claremont ca

Do You Need A Root Canal?

Root canal infections can compromise the stability and health of your smile. Left untreated, the bacteria that cause tooth decay can spread to the tooth’s inner pulp.

Once the tooth’s pulp becomes infected, a patient will need a root canal procedure to restore the tooth. A root canal can also treat an injured tooth, causing damage to the tooth root.

If you are experiencing persistent pain or discomfort in your mouth, you should visit your Claremont Dental Institute dentist as soon as possible. Treating a root canal infection quickly can prevent the need for a tooth extraction.

Symptoms of A Root Canal Infection

  • Pain, often sharp or shooting
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Dark spots on teeth

Root canals have a reputation for being extremely painful. A patient is experiencing pain caused by the infection, not the actual root canal procedure. Root canal treatments help relieve painful symptoms caused by the swelling of the diseased tooth pulp.

Most patients report feeling a release of discomfort after their procedure. Our dental care team will take all necessary steps to help you feel safe and comfortable during your root canal.

If you believe you may need a root canal, contact our Claremont, CA dentist office. Your dentist will perform a thorough oral health analysis and take digital x-rays of your teeth to determine if a root canal is necessary. We always strive to provide our patients with the most conservative treatment options supporting long-term oral wellness.

We also provide sedation dentistry options for patients who feel anxiety about visiting the dentist. Treating a root canal infection as soon as possible is essential to avoid tooth extraction. If you have dental anxiety speak with your dentist about your concerns, we can help.


root canal procedure claremont ca endodontics

What to Expect: Root Canal Therapy

If you require a root canal to restore your oral health, your dentist will begin by making you as comfortable as possible. Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Once the patient is comfortable and relaxed, the procedure will begin.

Your dentist will begin by making a small hole to access the inside of your tooth. They will then use a tool called an endodontics file to enter the tooth and remove the infected tissue and any debris inside the tooth.

Once the infected pulp has been removed, patients will no longer feel the throbbing pain caused by the inflamed pulp. The tooth is thoroughly cleaned and filed down in preparation for the gutta-percha.

Gutta-percha is a highly durable dental filling material injected into the tooth and used to seal out future decay.

Then, your dentist takes digital images or molds of your tooth to create a custom dental crown. The dentist designs the dental crown to blend seamlessly with your existing teeth. The crown fits snugly over the treated tooth, helping stabilize your bite and tooth.

Root Canal Aftercare and Recovery

After a root canal, taking care of the treated tooth and oral health is vital. This will aid in a smooth recovery and ensure the long-term success of the procedure. The following are tips we recommend following root canal therapy:

  • Please follow all the instructions that we give you. Since we customize care for each patient, these will change from patient to patient. For example, we will provide instructions on managing your pain and taking any prescribed medication.
  • Do not chew on the treated tooth to help prevent damage. Once we place the dental crown or a permanent filling, you can continue using the tooth.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Be gentle around the treated tooth to avoid irritating it. These steps are vital to maintaining oral health.
  • Smoking and consuming alcohol will hinder the healing process. We suggest you avoid smoking and alcohol for 48 hours or more following the procedure to ensure proper healing.

Root Canal FAQs

Root canals are a vital part of our dental practice. They help preserve natural teeth and maintain oral health. However, the thought of having one strikes fear in many patients. We encourage our patients to ask as many questions as they need to feel confident about the oral care they are receiving. Please read through the frequently asked questions section about root canals. Do not hesitate to contact our dental office for further help.

Does a root canal hurt?

Many people have the mistaken thought that root canals are painful. Though, like most procedures, there can be some discomfort associated with a root canal, almost all discomfort is associated with the underlying condition the root canal addresses. At Claremont Dental Institute, we go above and beyond to ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible, no matter what.

Is an extraction better than a root canal?

If possible, Saving your natural tooth is always the better option for oral health. If your tooth is salvageable, your dentist will suggest root canal therapy. Not only is this better for your oral health, but you will avoid the need for costly tooth replacement. However, if your tooth is severely damaged or decayed, it may be necessary to extract it. Your dentist will decide what is best for your oral health during your appointment.

Will dental insurance cover a root canal?

A root canal is generally considered a basic procedure necessary for oral health. Dental insurance will cover part of the procedure; however, coverage will vary from policy to policy. It is important to check with your provider to see how much they cover so you will know what your out-of-pocket expenses will be.

What is gutta-percha?

Gutta-percha is a plant-derived latex material used in dentistry to fill and seal the inside of a tooth after a root canal procedure. It is biocompatible, meaning it is safe for use in the body, and it effectively fills the cleaned root canals to prevent bacterial re-invasion.

Can I be put under anesthesia when getting a root canal?

Yes. There are different kinds so sedation that most dentists practice – conscious and unconscious. The obvious difference between the two is that, with the one, you are completely asleep, and with the other, you remain awake. It’s best to consult your Doctor about what kind of sedation is right for you and your procedure.

Do I need to get a crown(s) after a root canal?

Dental crowns help reinforce and strengthen the tooth after surgery. Although crowns aren’t necessary, every tooth that undergoes a root canal will need reinforcement to return to regular activities/interactions with that tooth – eating, brushing, flossing, etc.

Schedule an appointment today with Claremont Dental Institute by contacting our office at (909) 277-6919. You can also request a dentist appointment online. One of expert dentists will examine your tooth to see if a root canal is the best treatment option for you.